College Park Volunteer Fire Department Launches User-Friendly Website to Increase Online Web Presence

First Arriving's website team created a website for College Park Volunteer Fire Department to feature volunteer opportunities within their department, a news section with all the updates and happenings in their department and community, and much more.

College Park Volunteer Fire Department of College Park, Maryland is located in Prince George’s County. Just 5 miles northeast of D.C., this department is a fast-paced environment with a bustling station of student live-in members, local members, and supplemental career staff. First Arriving’s website team created their website to feature volunteer opportunities within their department, a news section with all the updates and happenings in their department and community, and much more. This responsive, user-friendly website allows all visitors to their site, as well as their members, to read about the history of “The Park” and learn more about their dedicated team members.

View their full website here:

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